Fabien Huet


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🚨 ES6 and ESNext new features are not drop-in replacements for ES5 deprecated features

in TypeScript, JavaScript

I see more and more articles telling us that we should drop our old function or var keywords to switch to the new and better () => {}, const and let. These features have many advantages and you should use them. But not as drop-in replacements.

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🐛 TypeScript "Cannot find module './myFile..." for .scss, .less, images files, wasm...

in TypeScript, JavaScript

If you use Babel, Rollup or any compilation/bundle tool, you probably have plugins that transform your .jpg, .scss, .js, .wasm… TypeScript is only able to import files that export something explicitly. So, this error may pop in your editor when you write something like import './myStyles.scss'.

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